Spiritual Soak + Moving Forward into next levels of Self and path
23-02-24 GPH - Spiritual Soak + Moving Forward into next levels of Self and path
Audio Onlly
Duration: 01:32:09
23-02-24 GPH - Spiritual Soak + Moving Forward into next levels of Self and path
Audio Onlly
Duration: 01:32:09
23-02-24 GPH - Spiritual Soak + Moving Forward into next levels of Self and path
Audio Onlly
Duration: 01:32:09
Session Topic:
Spiritual Soak: Deeply soak in your many changes. Detox the old + Move Forward into next levels of Self and path
Session Overview & Healing Focus:
We've been going through major changes and releasing/ending identities of who and how we’ve been. As you know it's been challenging to navigate this new experience. This Thursday a new wave of energy starts to move us forward into our next levels of Self and our path.
Spirit wants to make these new shifts easier by helping you soak in, receive and embody your many changes and release the old faster. As you're soaking it all in and releasing the old, we’ll partner with this week’s new energy wave leap you forward into your next levels of Self and path that await you easier-faster. Think of this session as an epsom salt bath soak. All you need to do is be in the bath (yourself) and the epsom salts (your Being) do all the work for you!
Your true self, your inner wisdom knows EXACTLY where you are on your path and brings your specific layers for faster healing, clearing, release and leaping forward.
Spirit works with your personal path of healing, awakening, self-awareness, evolution, change and growth:
Relax, drop into yourself and deeply soak in your True Self and changes.
Help your mind/body/energy embrace and receive your massive changes easier.
Receive accelerated healing to remove the old energetics and identities so you can more easily let go of the old and embody who you are now.
Effortlessly align with the new parts of yourself activating and awakening now.
Deeply empower yourself from the inside out and move into your next levels of being your true self and your heart's rightful path.
Receive information about the current energy shifts and guidance to be empower yourself, be your truth, live from your truth and your heart's rightful path.
Our powerful collaboration always works spontaneously, addressing your innermost priorities in the moment.
…And so much more because our sessions always expand past the session topic. It's never the same thing twice!
23-02-24 GPH - Spiritual Soak + Moving Forward into next levels of Self and path
Audio Only
Duration: 01:32:08