Spiritual Fire Ceremony- Let Go of the Old, Welcome In the New


23-03-10 GPH - Spiritual Fire Ceremony- Let Go of the Old, Welcome In the New

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Duration: 01:31:02

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23-03-10 GPH - Spiritual Fire Ceremony- Let Go of the Old, Welcome In the New

Audio Only

Duration: 01:31:02

23-03-10 GPH - Spiritual Fire Ceremony- Let Go of the Old, Welcome In the New

Audio Only

Duration: 01:31:02

Session Topic:

Spiritual Fire Ceremony: Let Go of the Old, Welcome In the New

Session Overview & Healing Focus:

Since 2023 began, we're experiencing unpresidential levels of evolution and awakening, brand new to our psyche and our physical bodies. We're learning how to understand ourselves with these new energies and recognize completely different levels of consciousness within us, on a multitude of levels, all at once. We're coming into phases in our lives we've never been in before as a human and a Soul.

March kicks off even more powerful, stronger and accelerated energies for transformation. On a very significant astrology front for all of us, March 7th Saturn enters into Pieces for the next 2-1/2 years, with the emphases being on endings and new beginnings. We're about to take an extremely deeper dive into our transformation, awakening and self-empowered choices and change than ever before.

Because we're entering into this profound time of endings and beginnings, in ways we've never experienced in any of our lifetimes, this week's topic is a very special and sacred Spiritual Fire Ceremony to honor your journey, let go of the old and welcome in the new.

  • When the session starts, Spirit will create our Spiritual Fire.

  • You'll be asked to throw into the Spiritual Fire all you want to consciously let go of and say good-bye to.

  • The Spiritual Fire partners with the parts of you that know EXACTLY where you are on your path and what's truly ready to complete, reconcile, heal, release and let go from all your lifetimes and your existence everywhere.

  • You'll release that which no longer serves you on a multitude of human, emotional, physical, energetic and multidimensional levels all at once.

  • Once this releasing part of the ceremony is complete, you'll be asked to choose, prepare, invite, receive, align and welcome in the new.

How to prepare for this session:

  • Anytime before the session, consciously be with what you'd like to let go of and welcome in. This is very personal to you.

  • Approach this with a relaxed manner and mind. 

  • If words or phrases don't come easy, you don't need them. Just feel these choices or energy deep within you, this is enough.

  • And of course if there's anything else or different ways that feel right for you to prepare, please do so. This is what matters most. 

Throughout the entire session, Spirit works with your personal path of healing, awakening, evolution, change and growth to clear the old and activate the new:

  • Release countless levels of the old in the human/Soul/energy bodies as you lovingly embrace what has brought you to this point in your life.

  • Receive accelerated healing to remove the old energetics and ego identities so you can more easily let go of the old and embody who you are now. 

  • Effortlessly align with the new parts of yourself activating and awakening now.

  • Deeply empower yourself from the inside out as you feel what's in your deepest heart to let go of and choose moving forward.

  • Receive information about the current energy shifts and guidance to be empower yourself, be your truth, live from your truth and your heart's rightful path.

  • Our powerful collaboration always works spontaneously, addressing your innermost priorities in the moment.

  • …And so much more because our sessions always expand past the session topic. It's never the same thing twice!

23-03-10 GPH - Spiritual Fire Ceremony- Let Go of the Old, Welcome In the New

Audio Only

Duration: 01:31:02