Next Higher Spiritual Doorway & Activations
2022-02-04 GPS - Next Higher Spiritual Doorway & Activations
Audio Only
Duration: 01:46:47
2022-02-04 GPS - Next Higher Spiritual Doorway & Activations
Audio Only
Duration: 01:46:47
2022-02-04 GPS - Next Higher Spiritual Doorway & Activations
Audio Only
Duration: 01:46:47
Session Topic:
Next Higher Spiritual Doorway and Activations
• Instantly clear countless layers of 'old self,' roots of outdated ways of being and past energy structures.
• Move through the next spiritual higher consciousness doorway easier, faster.
• Accelerate your path of growth, evolution, Soul healing/reconciling.
• Acclimate and adjust to these next levels of higher spiritual shifts easier, faster.
A higher spiritual shift opens this Friday. It's another upleveling, higher change of consciousness. Our systems are building, getting ready for this now. Your internal world will uplevel again. Many many next level spiritual "doorways" into higher ways of being will continuously open over and over and over this year. Embodying your deeper depths of truth, intuition, knowing and BEING who are. Next levels of inner healing and becoming YOU open within you this Friday. Accelerate your healing/clearing of the past. Acclimate and adjust easier-faster to these higher energies. Orient and align yourself to your personal inner activations, deeper inner truths arising and how the 2022 energies are personally working with you to level you up.
Session Focus: Release the old faster. Move through these higher spiritual activations easier. Assimilate and adjust. Orient in what's now and next for you.
Spirit will meet you where you are on your path of awakening, healing and becoming who you are.
• We'll accelerate your personal healing and clearing of the past energetics in your body/energy field that no longer aligns with who you are now and are becoming.
• We'll move you though this higher spiritual doorway.
• We'll help you assimilate and acclimate to your next higher energies easier.
• We'll deeply connect you with who you are now and support your rightful path that's unfolding.
You, the Group, will bring the specific layers and topics for accelerated healing, activations awakening and leaping forward! Our powerful collaboration always works spontaneously, addressing your innermost priorities in the moment. Activate YOUR personal-next-levels of growth, embodiment, spiritual activations and self-awareness to empower and align with yourself.