Navigate the Unknown & Uncertainty with Inner Peace, Ease, Trust and Knowing


2022-03-25 GPH: Navigate the Unknown & Uncertainty with Inner Peace, Ease, Trust and Knowing

Audio Only

Duration: 01:46:12

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2022-03-25 GPH: Navigate the Unknown & Uncertainty with Inner Peace, Ease, Trust and Knowing

Audio Only

Duration: 01:46:12

2022-03-25 GPH: Navigate the Unknown & Uncertainty with Inner Peace, Ease, Trust and Knowing

Audio Only

Duration: 01:46:12

Session Topic:

Navigate the Unknown & Uncertainty with More Inner Peace, Ease, Trust and Knowing


We are in unknown, unpredictable and uncertain times more than ever. Spirit offers this session to help you be in more ease and inner peace to navigate your personal path of the unknown and these unprecedented times of uncertainty. We'll do accelerated healing, clearing and awakening to uncover your inner wellspring of peacefulness, trust, easefulness, inner knowing and your deep abiding Self to support you at this time.

The path of awakening and self-embodiment is always full of the unknown and the unpredictable. As you begin awakening EVERYTHING starts changing to meet and align with your inner awakening. As you begin awakening, navigating your inner and outer life can be extremely scary, challenging and stressful because you learn you can no longer live from the mind/ideas and stories that you once did. You quickly start to experience you do not have the control you thought you had before awakening and you don't know how to live this new life. To live your awakening and truth, you must learn to live through inner listening, letting go and following the truth within and allow yourself to be guided from the true-you that's now living life. This new learning of embodying your awakening, learning how to live the unknown and living a completely new way is stressful enough…As your awakening is now ratcheting up and the uncertainty and deep feelings and fears of the world events are happening, it's a lot to navigate. This session meets where you are on your life's journey and works with the worldly uncertainty to uncover your inner stability, abiding peacefulness, inner truths/knowing and your innate abilites to flow and navigate with the unknown.

• More detailed information about these times and how to navigate inner and outer uncertainty will be shared during our session.

• You, the Group, will bring the specific guidance and topics for accelerated healing, activations, awakening, support and leaping forward!

• Our powerful collaboration always works spontaneously, addressing your innermost priorities in the moment.

• Activate YOUR personal-next-levels of growth, embodiment, spiritual activations and self-awareness to empower and align with yourself.

Session Focus: Accelerated healing and clearing to embody your inner flow, stability, peace, trust, knowing and more ease to navigate these times.

Spirit meets where you are on your path of awakening, healing and becoming who you are.

• Instantly clear countless layers of 'old self,' roots of outdated ways of being and past energy structures.

• Align with your spiritual quickenings, awakenings and inner changes.

• Connect deeper with and embody with the parts of you that know how to navigate your unknown and life's uncertainty.

• Accelerate your path of growth, evolution, Soul healing/reconciling.

• Help your physical, emotional, mental, energy bodies catch up and align with what is now.

2022-03-25 GPH: Navigate the Unknown & Uncertainty with Inner Peace, Ease, Trust and Knowing

Audio Only

Duration: 01:46:12