Knowing How to Create and Live Life Now- Time to Connect Deeper Within


23-05-05 GPH - Knowing How to Create and Live Life Now- Time to Connect Deeper Within

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Duration: 01:41:19

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23-05-05 GPH - Knowing How to Create and Live Life Now- Time to Connect Deeper Within

Audio Only

Duration: 01:41:19

23-05-05 GPH - Knowing How to Create and Live Life Now- Time to Connect Deeper Within

Audio Only

Duration: 01:41:19

Session Topic:

Knowing How to Create and Live Life Now: Time to Connect Deeper Within

Session Overview & Healing Focus:

2023’s accumulated higher and higher energies are constantly creating us to awaken deeper and deeper, therefore our true lives are being lived from whole other levels. Because we are awakening deeper, choosing and manifesting is happening within us on deeper levels than we have EVER experienced, understood or have humanly navigated or consciously connected to before. Because your choices and manifesting is happening more deeply within now, the ‘outer you’ can feel as if everything is out of control, falling away or here for a minute then gone, or you just don’t know WHAT to do to create your life anymore. It can feel like how you manifest or create now is just at your finger tips... any second... and then... it seems to disappear or completely change within minutes.

The human experiences we’ve had of feeling separate from our inner truth, heart, true self and our our lives is now becoming more one within. Your own specific parts for your personal journey which still feel like ‘you’, are either falling away or becoming more one within. Each of our parts are unique to each of us, but our process is the same.

These ‘parts of you’ cannot grasp what’s happening or create or control your life anymore because they are falling back into you. Like waves on top of the ocean thinking they are completely separate from the ocean. They really thought they were separate and thus lived that way. Then one day, the waves started realizing they are not nor have they ever been separate from the ocean, they ARE the ocean, just different forms of ocean water. The waves start slowly and surely returning to conscious-oneness with the full ocean again. This metaphor is what's happening within us now.

Because we are awakening deeper now into who we really, choosing and manifesting is coming from deeper within. We must consciously connect to this deeper experience within us now so we can humanly know how to navigate this process and how to live/create our lives now.

The ‘simple’ description of this session: Accelerated healing to let the old ways of connecting to yourself fall away so you can more easily connect with your "becoming one again" process and where your choices and manifesting are happening now. YOU will bring all your specific related old stuff to heal, clear, awaken, leap forward:

🌟 Your inner being/true self/heart's wisdom will bring your specific ‘old consciousness’ layers for accelerated healing to become more one with you.

🌟 Within the layers that we release, we’ll be releasing/healing: ego layers, old identities, old pain, confusions, energy attachments, stories, beliefs, the roots of original energy patterns, disempowerments, trapped emotions, traumas, past-life energies and root causes of old ways of being, this life emotional energies and ways of being, old choices that no longer serve... the list of it all is unlimited.

🌟 Awaken and go through your personal activations easier, embody your inner-knowing, energize your heart’s truth and path and anchor self-embodiment of who you are now and are becoming.

🌟🌟🌟 Each Group Power Healing session is unique and its own session because they always work with where you are in the moment, creating spontaneous massive multidimensional healing spanning through lifetimes, other worlds and universes you've lived in. We always work with the current energy shifts for understanding what's going on, how it's affecting you, how to move through them and navigate your spiritual quickening/awakening journey through self-empowerment.

23-05-05 GPH - Knowing How to Create and Live Life Now- Time to Connect Deeper Within

Audio Only

Duration: 01:41:19