Integrate, Let Go of the Old, Get Ready for Many Changes Ahead
23-05-26 GPH - Integrate, Let Go of the Old, Get Ready for Many Changes Ahead
Audio Only
Duration: 01:23:08
23-05-26 GPH - Integrate, Let Go of the Old, Get Ready for Many Changes Ahead
Audio Only
Duration: 01:23:08
23-05-26 GPH - Integrate, Let Go of the Old, Get Ready for Many Changes Ahead
Audio Only
Duration: 01:23:08
Session Topic:
Integrate, Let Go of the Old, Get Ready for Many Changes Ahead
Session Overview & Healing Focus:
This week in particular, you may feel extra super weird, triggered intensely or find it hard to stay out of intense thoughts, upsets, feelings or fears. Why? Because we are going through thresholds of new consciousness, dimensional shifts and going into our new/next realities in consciousness that match our own present day consciousness and also where we're headed within ourselves. (Just to name a few things going on.) As we're going through these profound shifts, it's creating a lot to be kicked up all around you and within you. Because of all these shifts in consciousness changes and changes going on around the world, there's a lot in flux right now. Because we're in so much flux this week and we're "on the move" this session is offered a respite to help you integrate your many changes, let go of the old, land in your new places unfolding and get ready for energetic shifts and changes coming.
By the time we meet on Friday for this session, you will have already gone through so much change since this email was sent out:
• When we meet on Friday, your inner being/true self/heart's wisdom will know EXACTLY where you are on your path and will bring your specific layers for integrating your changes, letting go of the old, landing in your new places and getting you ready for the changes ahead.
You will bring all YOUR specific parts of you, multi-dimensional layers and life-themes for faster healing, easier letting go of what no longer serves you. Here's the overall session process:
1 We'll quickly heal and release your layers of: old identities, old pain, collective consciousness stuff, inner confusions, energy attachments, stories, beliefs, the roots of original energy patterns, disempowerments, trapped emotions, traumas, past-life energies and root causes of old ways of being, this life emotional energies and ways of being, old choices that no longer serve... the list of it all is unlimited.
2 As we release the old layers faster, your system naturally, effortlessly and more easily begins integrating your many changes.
3 As you're integrating, you start aligning more deeply with the many higher consciousness and awakenings that are coming in now.
4 As your system aligns, you begin 'landing' more easily in your new realities and simultaneously start connecting with the energetic changes that are coming so you can get a head start on being with what's coming.
🌟🌟🌟Each Group Power Healing session is completely unique and full of profound healing surprises because they always work with where YOU are in the moment. Our accelerated healing uncovers spontaneous multi-dimensional healing which then spans healing and profound change through your lifetimes and other worlds and universes you've lived in.
• We always work with the current energy shifts for understanding what's going on, how it's affecting you, how to move through them and navigate your spiritual quickening/awakening journey through self-empowerment.
23-05-26 GPH - Integrate, Let Go of the Old, Get Ready for Many Changes Ahead
Audio Only
Duration: 01:23:08