Healing, Acknowledging Loss and Moving Forward Into Your Next Levels of True Self


2022-06-03 GPH - Healing, Acknowledging Loss and Moving Forward Into Your Next Levels of True Self

Audio Only

Duration: 01:48:34

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2022-06-03 GPH - Healing, Acknowledging Loss and Moving Forward Into Your Next Levels of True Self

Audio Only

Duration: 01:48:34

2022-06-03 GPH - Healing, Acknowledging Loss and Moving Forward Into Your Next Levels of True Self

Audio Only

Duration: 01:48:34

Session Topic:

"Healing, Acknowledging Loss and Moving Forward Into Your Next Levels of True Self"


This session has 2 parts:

(1) We've let go of so much and are constantly letting so much go because we're awakening and evolving so quickly in consciousness. At this time, before being able to truly move forward from WHOLENESS and deeper peacefulness into your next levels of embodiment, true self, your own personal activations and whatever expressions of BEING are next for you, we need to take a moment and deeply acknowledge, honor, feel, love and digest the feelings of loss of what was. (We will not focus on loss for the entire session, but we must begin with this.)
There's nothing wrong with loss, nor does it need to hurry, be gotten rid of or "healed." Loss needs its own time to be acknowledged layer by layer as we feel safe enough to feel it, no matter how long that inner-natural process takes. And at the same time, Spirit wants to acknowledge and meet your loss with our Group Power accelerated healing energy to help you love yourself in your loss and offer it whatever it needs for easier acknowledgment, honoring, healing and releasing. 

Loss has countless meanings for each of you. Whether you're going through the death of a loved one, a loss of what was in your life and is no longer here, a loss emotionally/energetically, connections to parts of yourself that are no longer there in your consciousness, how relationships have been with self and other, loss of what has not manifested in ways you thought or hoped for, loss of old self...Spirit shows me we need to take some time together to honor the loss of what was in your life so you CAN move forward easier. We want to honor everything you've been through and are going through that has brought you to this very moment. We just need to take a moment to acknowledge what has been, what was, heal, let go, release, clear and be.

(2) Then...this past weekend brought through major light activations which is still affecting us greatly physically, emotionally, mentally and energetically now.To put it simply, things feel weird. There’s so many countless levels of spiritual, emotional, mental, physical, situational changes and activations flowing through us non stop. Awakening doesn't stop and wait for us to be comfortable first. Awakening doesn't wait for us to fully grieve losses first. Our consciousness is seamlessly evolving and our human is awakening to the truth of who we are without missing a beat.

So, with all this said... Spirit wants to first bring deep acknowledgement, support, healing and accelerated sacred clearing for the emotions/energetics/mind for loss then help you move forward into your next levels of true self this past weekend and current energies are activating.

• You, the Group, will bring the specific guidance and topics for accelerated healing, activations, awakening, support and leaping forward!

• Our powerful collaboration always works spontaneously, addressing your innermost priorities in the moment.

• Activate YOUR personal-next-levels of growth, embodiment, spiritual activations and self-awareness to empower and align with yourself.

Session Focus: Deeply loving and healing for loss. Accelerate your personal clearing, purifying, reconciling, growth, awakening, embodiment. Align with next levels of true self. Integrate with your many changes. Leap forward with wholeness, peacefulness and ease.

Spirit meets where you are on your path of awakening, healing and becoming who you are.

• Bring deep acknowledgement, healing, honoring and loving easier release to loss, sadness, grief of what was.

• Instantly clear countless layers of 'old self,' roots of outdated ways of being and past energy structures, ego identities and so much more...so you align with your many current changes, awakenings and inner/outer changes you’re going through easier.

• As we’re healing and clearing off the old, we’ll simultaneously bring you deeper into your true self; deeper deeper deeper throughout the entire session.

• Deep and wide accelerated healing on countless levels to release old anchors of 'old self,' ego-identities, emotional/mental blocks to being yourself.

• Activate your personal, unique inner activations of your power.

• Help your physical, emotional, mental, energy bodies catch up and align with what is now.

• Leap forward in your evolution and consciousness that would of normally taken weeks, month, years, life-times.

2022-06-03 GPH - Healing, Acknowledging Loss and Moving Forward Into Your Next Levels of True Self

Audio Only

Duration: 01:48:34