Deep Inner Clean Out


2022-01-07 GPS: Deep Inner Clean Out: Acclimating to the 2022 Energies

Audio Only

Duration: 01:23:06

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2022-01-07 GPS: Deep Inner Clean Out: Acclimating to the 2022 Energies

Audio Only

Duration: 01:23:06

2022-01-07 GPS: Deep Inner Clean Out: Acclimating to the 2022 Energies

Audio Only

Duration: 01:23:06

Session Topic:

“Deep Inner Clean Out, Assimilating the Beginning 2022 Energies”

• Instantly clear countless layers of 'old self,' roots of outdated ways of being and past energy structures.

• Assimilate the beginning energies of 2022 higher consciousness.

• Accelerate your path of growth, evolution, Soul healing/reconciling.


The more you're being and acting from your True-Self, the easier/more fluid 2022 can be for you...It's barely the first week of 2022 and it's already proving itself to be a deeper clearing/healing/awakening than ever before. As I write this email, I keep hearing the word "different". Its time act and be different than we have before. What does "different" mean? We all have ways of being/behaving out of fear and hurt, with ourselves first, then another, that are incongruent with what's really true for us. 2022 will constantly bring these inner/outer behaviors up and out to be examined, healed and reconciled for new, different present-day choices. This energetic excavation will be relentless and has only just begun. For these initial 2022 energies, I'll use the example of getting a facial. We're in the facial chair and after a detailed examination of our skin, the esthetician says, "Ok...We're gonna have to start with a deep peel first. We need to get into those deeper clogged layers of the skin where the unseen older build up debris is hiding. This will bring out the true health and glow of your skin."

2022 has started us off with a deep peel. As 2022 progresses, energies will be ramping and ramping to clear, heal and awaken us quicker. We'll have less and less wiggle room to be anything that's not aligned with self-honor, respect, empowerment and true for us. We'll go though different energy cycles, waves and shifts in consciousness to align and embody who/what we really are in 2022. Deep peel facial... here we go...

Session Focus: Clear, heal and remove the old faster. Assimilate the beginning energies of 2022 easier. Align with your next levels of who you are.  

• Spirit will meet you where you are in your personal "deep peel" process.

• Our Group Power Energy will accelerate your personal healing and clearing of your specific debris/ways of being that are no longer aligned with who you are/want to be.

• We'll do deep clean to help you assimilate the higher 2022 energies easier.

• The session will be a mixture of clearing/healing the old, assimilating the new energies, aligning with the next levels of yourself and 2022 information and guidance.

You, the Group, will bring the specific layers and topics for accelerated healing, activations awakening and leaping forward! Our powerful collaboration always works spontaneously, addressing your innermost priorities in the moment. Activate YOUR personal-next-levels of growth, embodiment, spiritual activations and self-awareness to empower and align with yourself.

2022-01-07 GPS: Deep Inner Clean Out: Acclimating to the 2022 Energies

Audio Only

Duration: 01:23:06