24-09-28 GPH - Who the F are you now? Integrate, embody, clear your old energies faster
24-09-28 GPH - Who the F are you now? Integrate, embody, clear your old energies faster
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Duration: 01:34:56
24-09-28 GPH - Who the F are you now? Integrate, embody, clear your old energies faster
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Duration: 01:34:56
24-09-28 GPH - Who the F are you now? Integrate, embody, clear your old energies faster
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Duration: 01:34:56
Topic: Who the F are you now?? Integrate, embody and clear your old energies faster
Who the F are you now?? Ha! What a funny and so true topic! We know Spirit has a sense of humor. And why is Spirit, our teams, guides, universal laugher so funny? Because there's truth in what is being said. Think of all the times you've belly laughed when watching a comedian or from something a friend says, because it touches something true you can relate to. When Spirit is bringing this week's topic of: Who the F are you now? There's truly so much truth in this statement/question.
When this question is asked "who are you now" you both know who you are and simultaneously don't know. Right?? We're not talking about the mind or emotions not knowing who you are, we're talking about the truth in you that both knows who/what you are and at the same time knows it can't ever claim it. You feel the truth deep in you of who you are and yet you simultaneously know you cannot hold onto it as static. You know who you are and that which tries to hold onto it, isn't it. YOU just is and your human and multi-dimensional self energy is always evolving into revealing and living deeper truths of Self.
September alone has brought so much change, so many deep energetic shifts, so much awakening, so much inner freedom, deeper expanding within to receive and BE your higher consciousness, so much old ending... all to become the YOU you are right now! And there's so much more to come.
This session supports exactly where and you are on your path right now to effortlessly deeply integrate your many changes and embody. Let's take a long moment during the ever churning energies of September, after the Equinox opening and before the next potent eclipse in October, to deeply integrate your changes, clear the old energies faster, embody your current layers of inner freedom and healing and get you ready and prepped for the next major shifts coming our way.
All you have to do is just be and this session does the rest!
We meet you where you are now right now in becoming your truest Self
Your inner truth, wisdom and knowing brings all your relevant parts of yourself ready to heal faster, transform and relax into BEING who you are now and who you're becoming
Receive accelerated healing, clearing, releasing of the old
Effortlessly expand and receive your changes where most needed to embody who you are now easier
Align with your deepest levels of Self and your next phases getting ready to birth within
Receive a massive healing, clearing, support and leaping forward in your growth, evolution, awakening and embodying yourself throughout this entire session
Receive specific teachings, understandings and guidance to most efficiently navigate your current awakening-healing path, the current energy shifts happening now and will be happening
Effortlessly heal and complete the old energy within that would've normally taken weeks, months, lifetimes NOW:
Heal, clear and let go of what no longer matches your next levels of consciousness
Upgrade energy system, mind-body consciousness, energy bodies to embody your new now you
Quickly let go of who and what you no longer are
Remove energies not yours, not you
Activate and embody your highest evolution
Accelerate your healing, growth, evolution
Align in your new up and coming phases and life changes
Partner with your current energy activations, spiritual shifts and what's up and coming to ease your spiritual up-leveling and move you through your changes easier
Each Group Power Healing® session is one-of-a-kind because they always work with where you are on your healing-awakening path to embody who you are now easier:
We always work with the current spiritual shifts to help you heal faster, awaken easier and move through your changes as easily as possible.
Release/move beyond layers and layers of: ego, old identities, old pain, confusions, energy attachments, stories, beliefs, the roots of original energy patterns, dis-empowerments, trapped emotions, traumas, that weird funky stuff that's hard to name, past-life energies and root causes of old ways of being, this life emotional energies and ways of being, old choices that no longer serve... the list of it all is unlimited because YOU bring it all in the moment.
24-09-28 GPH - Who the F are you now? Integrate, embody, clear your old energies faster
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Duration: 01:34:56