24-05-11 GPH - Deep Endings New Beginnings Powerhouse Session


24-05-11 GPH - Deep Endings New Beginnings Powerhouse Session

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Duration: 01:36:57

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24-05-11 GPH - Deep Endings New Beginnings Powerhouse Session

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Duration: 01:36:57

24-05-11 GPH - Deep Endings New Beginnings Powerhouse Session

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Duration: 01:36:57

Topic: Deep Endings New Beginnings Powerhouse Session

This weekend's energy marks a time period of profound endings on countless levels. You are assessing and reassessing yourself, your life, who you no longer are, what you no longer want and letting go on inner depth levels that you've not had access to like this before. It is also time of new great beginnings. It's the energy of "as one door closes, the new-next one opens." You're in the midst of moving from where you've been to where you are now to where you're going. You may more feel this is a time of knowing what you don't want vs what you do want. You may also be experiencing this time as feeling very blank. You can feel the inklings of new beginnings within even if they have not yet become known in the mind. You can feel total clarity about what you want next. This time of endings and beginnings can have many different flows of knowing and not-knowing-yet to it. However you may be experiencing this time of endings and new great beginnings, you DO KNOW and FEEL DEEPLY you are completing massive cycles, ways of being and moving forward. The spiritual-energetic power to support your endings new beginnings at this time is immense.

This session meets where you are in your endings and beginnings for faster-easier depths of clearing, letting go, easing your path of spiritual up-leveling and leaping you forward in your new beginnings.  This entire session feel like a deep Spiritual Retreat of sacred healing ceremonies to continuously meet your endings and beginnings in the moment as they arise. A powerhouse of continuous depths of support and acknowledgement for your path of who you are, who you no longer are and who you are becoming with accelerated easier-faster healing.

All you have to do is just be and this session does the rest! Effortlessly heal and complete the old energy within that would've 
normally taken weeks, months, lifetimes NOW: 

  • Deeply let go and say good-bye to who and what you no longer are

  • Quickly heal and clear off your old energetics, patterns, cycles, past life, this life, multi-dimensional ways of being, related to your next levels of embodying yourself and becoming who you are

  • Release/let go of past identities, release energetic build-up

  • Upgrade energy system/mind/body/consciousness/energy bodies to embody your next levels of Self easier

  • Accelerate your healing, growth, evolution

  • Activate and embody your next highest evolutionary ways of being

  • Remove energies not yours, not you

  • Align in your new up and coming phases and life changes

  • Receive specific information, empowering guidance and teachings for how to navigate your new changes, your spiritual quickening and living your highest path of deepest inner truth at this time

  • We'll partner with the current energy activations, spiritual shifts, openings and what's up and coming to ease your spiritual up-leveling and move you through your changes easier

Each Group Power Healing® session is one-of-a-kind because they always work with where you are on your healing-awakening path to embody who you are now easier:

  • We always work with the current spiritual shifts to help you heal faster, awaken easier and move through your changes as easily as possible

  • Release/move beyond layers and layers of: ego, old identities, old pain, confusions, energy attachments, stories, beliefs, the roots of original energy patterns, dis-empowerments, trapped emotions, traumas, that weird funky stuff that's hard to name, past-life energies and root causes of old ways of being, this life emotional energies and ways of being, old choices that no longer serve... the list of it all is unlimited because YOU bring it all in the moment

24-05-11 GPH - Deep Endings New Beginnings Powerhouse Session

Audio Download Only

Duration: 01:36:57