24-02-17 GPH - Inner Power Catch Up -Align with Your Choices and Who You Are Now Easier-Faster


24-02-17 GPH - Inner Power Catch Up -Align with Your Choices and Who You Are Now Easier-Faster

Audio Only

Duration: 01:40:20

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24-02-17 GPH - Inner Power Catch Up -Align with Your Choices and Who You Are Now Easier-Faster

Audio Only

Duration: 01:40:20

24-02-17 GPH - Inner Power Catch Up -Align with Your Choices and Who You Are Now Easier-Faster

Audio Only

Duration: 01:40:20

Topic: Inner Power Catch Up: Align with Your Choices and Who You Are Now Easier-Faster

We are now taking in, aligning and integrating the beginnings of new Lunar New Year's energies, awakening consciousness and the powerful 2024 empowering frequencies, AND... even more importantly than that, it's YOUR CHOICES that are taking you leaps and bounds forward into the new-now-you that YOU are choosing to be and create your new life from. The old known identities are falling away more and more behind you as you are embodying your choices to be what is so true for YOU.

Your choices have more weight and REALLY matter more than ever and you are literally creating your new-now energy to BE and live from. It's YOUR CHOICES that are taking you forward in these ways. Yes, the Lunar New Year is part of your quickening and is lubing it all up for you, but it is TRULY YOU that is CHOOSING to take this new Lunar Year to work with it and make your changes. It's not 'doing it for you', YOU are choosing to do it and life is following you, supporting you. You choosing to empower yourself and act from your sovereignty and wholeness is creating many parts of you to align with your current choices very rapidly. You're becoming YOUR own power-self on your next levels. 

Spirit offers this session to help all these parts of you catch up to your choices easier-faster: The human, emotional, mental, energy bodies. The countless past life, multidimensional and this life. Let's help them all catch up and align with your choices EFFORTLESSLY so this transition can be easier on a multitude of levels for you.  

The other part of this session is: You are not static or standing still in your transitions, right! You are an alive energy/consciousness Being, continuously moving swiftly and quickly forward aligning with your choices. So, this session meets you where you'll be Saturday in your inner power alignment, then works with you in 'mid-flight' as you continue going even more forward and embodying yourself. It's a high powered moving forward seshy! Clearing the old, integrating the new, embodying. Clear again, integrate your new-next-levels, embody. And...clear again, integrate your new-next-next-levels and embody. And... go!

All you need to do is just be and the session will do the rest! 

  • Your specific and significant multi-parts related and connected to your current self-power choices come with you to this session for accelerated healing, understanding, awakening, completing and letting go of the old.  

  • As these parts heal the old and free up, they become who they need to be now and deeply align and integrate in wholeness with yourself.

  • Receive accelerated healing and clearing of your old no-longer-relevant inner consciousness, Soul and Spiritual history, cellular held experiences, this-life stuff, energies, root causes of life-themes and release identity stemming back through lifetimes. Drop it and go go go!

  • Receive specific information, empowering guidance and teachings for how to navigate your new changes, your spiritual quickening and living your highest path of deepest inner truth at this time.

  • We'll partner with the current energy activations, spiritual shifts and what's up and coming to move you through your changes as easy as possible. 

Each Group Power Healing® session is one-of-a-kind because they always work with where you are on your healing-awakening path to embody who you are now easier:

  • We always work with the current spiritual shifts to help you heal faster, awaken easier and move through your changes as easily as possible.

  • Release/move beyond layers and layers of: ego, old identities, old pain, confusions, energy attachments, stories, beliefs, the roots of original energy patterns, disempowerments, trapped emotions, traumas, that weird funky stuff that's hard to name, past-life energies and root causes of old ways of being, this life emotional energies and ways of being, old choices that no longer serve... the list of it all is unlimited because YOU bring it all in the moment.

24-02-17 GPH - Inner Power Catch Up -Align with Your Choices and Who You Are Now Easier-Faster

Audio Only

Duration: 01:40:20