24-02-03 GPH - A Deep Dying Off: Go Through Saturday's Next Higher Doorways Easier


24-02-03 GPH - A Deep Dying Off: Go Through Saturday's Next Higher Doorways Easier

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Duration: 01:23:50

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24-02-03 GPH - A Deep Dying Off: Go Through Saturday's Next Higher Doorways Easier

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Duration: 01:23:50

24-02-03 GPH - A Deep Dying Off: Go Through Saturday's Next Higher Doorways Easier

Audio Only

Duration: 01:23:50

Topic: A Deep Dying Off: Go Through Saturday's Next Higher Doorways Easier

This Saturday's energy is yet another foundational movement forward into an even higher newer energy, consciousness, new world. It's like a dropping off point where another significant amount of change awaits you, into even higher consciousness, in addition to your recent 2024 consciousness/energy shifts that's happened thus far. A significant energy to this shift is that of a major dying off point. Saturday's openings and shifts bring up different depths of the old, deep ego deaths and a deeper leaving behind of the old because these denser energies cannot go forward with you. It's like going through a right of passage so you can truly move on through love, honor and acknowledgment. YOUR specific layers within, ready to fall away, will start ramping up over this week so you can move through this doorway. So let's help all this release easier-faster :)

This dying off and Saturday’s session can be described like this: It's like looking at a person with layers and layers of coats on. Then they turn to the right and start walking away slowly, swiftly with purpose and focus. You know they are headed towards a purposeful destination. As they're walking and gliding forward, their gaze is only forward and they start taking one coat off, then the next and the next. Each coat falls to the floor one by one, gently landing behind them with purpose as they keep seamlessly walking forward towards their destination. They just keep taking coat after coat off, getting lighter and lighter as they move through their doorway into their next higher vibrations.

Spirit offers this session to take your old heavy multi-dimensional "coats" off faster so you can move through Saturday's higher doorways easier:

  • EFFORTLESSLY lob off a massive amount of old density, past Soul cycles, lineage physical/emotional ways of being past down in the DNA, past physical-emotional build-up and layers just 'underneath' consciousness yet you SO KNOW are in there and... so much more. 

  • The list of what YOU are ready to leave behind will come with you to the session.

All you need to do is just be and the session will do the rest!

  • We meet your coats and assist them to come off in seconds. As you let go of the old faster, you'll move forward easier. And repeat...

  • Receive accelerated healing, clearing of your old no-longer-relevant inner consciousness, Soul and Spiritual history, cellular held experiences, this-life stuff, energies, root causes of life-themes and release identity stemming back through lifetimes. 

  • Leap through Saturday's doorway easier and move into YOUR next higher levels of light, consciousness, awareness and beingness. 

  • Begin embodying your new places faster as you continue strengthening within yourself, strengthening in your resolve, strengthening in your knowing. 

  • Receive specific information, empowering guidance and teachings for how to navigate your new world, your spiritual quickening and living your highest path of deepest inner truth at this time.

  • We'll partner with the current energy activations, spiritual shifts and what's up and coming to move you through your changes as easy as possible. 

Each Group Power Healing® session is one-of-a-kind because they always work with where you are on your healing-awakening path to embody who you are now easier:

  • We always work with the current spiritual shifts to help you heal faster, awaken easier and move through your changes as easily as possible.

  • Release/move beyond layers and layers of: ego, old identities, old pain, confusions, energy attachments, stories, beliefs, the roots of original energy patterns, disempowerments, trapped emotions, traumas, that weird funky stuff that's hard to name, past-life energies and root causes of old ways of being, this life emotional energies and ways of being, old choices that no longer serve... the list of it all is unlimited because YOU bring it all in the moment.

24-02-03 GPH - A Deep Dying Off: Go Through Saturday's Next Higher Doorways Easier

Audio Only

Duration: 01:23:50