24-01-19 GPH - Crossing Significant Thresholds: Ease into New World Awakenings, Your Higher Inner Foundations and Energies


24-01-19 GPH - Crossing Significant Thresholds: Ease into New World Awakenings, Your Higher Inner Foundations and Energies

Audio Only

DurationL 01:23:51

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24-01-19 GPH - Crossing Significant Thresholds: Ease into New World Awakenings, Your Higher Inner Foundations and Energies

Audio Only

DurationL 01:23:51

24-01-19 GPH - Crossing Significant Thresholds: Ease into New World Awakenings, Your Higher Inner Foundations and Energies

Audio Only

DurationL 01:23:51

Topic: Crossing Significant Thresholds: Ease into New World Awakenings, Your Higher Inner Foundations and Energies

This coming weekend signifies an unequivocal major "new world/new consciousness" opening. We are not just ending what has been but how we have known ourselves to be is literally dropping away. This is a time when the astrology reflects this, our inner self that has been ready for lifetimes reflects this and we are ready to make this major leap in high level energy and consciousness. All the healing work you've been doing for decades has awaited this change. Even though your mind may not know the details of change, you can feel it already deep within. You KNOW you are ready for this. In this lifetime, you've been paving the way for decades. The energy that we are in in this moment is completely different than the openings coming this weekend. This shift will feel different for each of you. 

This weekend's shift will bring us into extremely high energies and consciousness. Our significant past consciousness, ways of being and energy related to this shift will begin surfacing-healing-clearing as we immediately begin embodying this new higher world within us. 

Spirit offers this session to ease your transition by instantly shedding these layers within seconds and EFFORTLESSLY leaping you through this new world opening. All you have to do for this session is just simply be and the session does the rest! Go through this change with empowering self-support and greater ease:

  • We'll partner with where you are on your path and bring accelerate healing, clearing and release of your significant old no-longer-relveant-needed inner consciousness, life-themes, inner energies and identity stemming back through lifetimes. 

  • Move forward through this weekend's countless doorways into your next level higher consciousness, simply and with ease.

  • EFFORTLESSLY begin aligning, assimilating, embodying the "new world" consciousness and energies.

  • Receive specific information, empowering guidance and teachings for how to navigate your emotional healing, your spiritual quickening and living your highest path of deepest inner truth at this time.

  • We'll partner with the current energy activations, spiritual shifts and what's up and coming to move you through your changes as easy as possible. 

Each Group Power Healing® session is one-of-a-kind because they always work with where you are on your healing-awakening path to embody who you are now easier:

  • We always work with the current spiritual shifts to help you heal faster, awaken easier and move through your changes as easily as possible.

  • Release/move beyond layers and layers of: ego, old identities, old pain, confusions, energy attachments, stories, beliefs, the roots of original energy patterns, disempowerments, trapped emotions, traumas, that weird funky stuff that's hard to name, past-life energies and root causes of old ways of being, this life emotional energies and ways of being, old choices that no longer serve... the list of it all is unlimited because YOU bring it all in the moment.

24-01-19 GPH - Crossing Significant Thresholds: Ease into New World Awakenings, Your Higher Inner Foundations and Energies

Audio Only

DurationL 01:23:51