23-09-01 GPH - September Energies: YOU are Needed Now, Clear Old Fears of Being You


23-09-01 GPH - September Energies: YOU are Needed Now, Clear Old Fears of Being You

Audio Only

Duration: 01:41:45

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23-09-01 GPH - September Energies: YOU are Needed Now, Clear Old Fears of Being You

Audio Only

Duration: 01:41:45

23-09-01 GPH - September Energies: YOU are Needed Now, Clear Old Fears of Being You

Audio Only

Duration: 01:41:45

September Energies: YOU are Needed Now, Clear Old Fears of Being You

September begins and marks a significant time of it being even more imperative to be YOU: FIRST and FOREMOST for yourself and then because who you are is needed. The YOU that only YOU can be. It starts from within your own BEINGNESS, deep from within your own unique energies and frequencies to be your authentic energy. Energies of September will be a constant tapping on the shoulder from the inside.You being YOU will become more and more important, for yourself first and then for the world.

How do you be you for the world effortlessly? Let’s look at a flower for this answer:
A flower first starts as eternal consciousness, then becomes a seed, a stem, a bud, blooms and blossoms. The combination of its essence, beingness, growth process and embodied form naturally produces its own specific sent. Thus its sent is effortless. Just like a flower's unique sent effortlessly arises and exudes from the flower being its unique self, your eternal essence and growth through countless experiences and lifetimes creates your unique understandings, wisdoms, knowings. Thus your unique understandings, wisdoms and knowings energetically emanate teachings, pointers to truth and offer light posts for humanity and other worlds -all by you just by YOU being YOU!

Because a flower’s sent is a natural result of being, it doesn't take anything away from the flower when we smell its sent. The flower is not losing itself or giving its energy away to us or losing its sent because we're smelling it, it’s just part of the flower being it's flower self, living, breathing and being. Your teachings and energy needed now is the same. It's just YOU living and breathing, just being YOU, just as you are. Just like the flower is not TRYING to have a sent, there is no trying needed to be the you that’s needed now because you are already you and it takes nothing away from you to be you. 

This session supports this process within you by clearing old fears/old ways of being/old energies for your next levels to be you easier. As we heal and clear that which no longer serves you faster, you'll effortlessly BE and deepen your embodiment of self, truth and catapult forward. Spirit meets your journey of being yourself to help you feel safer to come out and be you:

  • Your inner levels of awakening, personal healing themes, life themes, your spiritual and self-embodiment connected to these levels of being you will reveal all the specific multi-dimensional and this life's layers for accelerated healing, clearing and embodiment.

  • We'll partner and work with your many choices in your deepest heart for healing, changes, being in your next levels of awakening, true self.

  • We'll work with the energy activations and shifts that will be present during the time of this session and what's up and coming.

  • Receive specific information, empowering guidance and teachings for how to navigate your deepest changes, the current energies, your spiritual quickening and living your highest path of deepest inner truth.

  • Heal and evolve quicker, embody your true self deeper and move forward.

  • Receive the new energies easier, align and BE your deeper empowered powerful self easier. 

Your inner being/true self/heart's wisdom knows EXACTLY where you are on your path and will bring your specific changes for easier clearing, awakening, growth, evolution and embodiment:

  • Release/move beyond layers and layers of: ego, old identities, old pain, confusions, energy attachments, stories, beliefs, the roots of original energy patterns, disempowerments, trapped emotions, traumas, that weird funky stuff that's hard to name, past-life energies and root causes of old ways of being, this life emotional energies and ways of being, old choices that no longer serve... the list of it all is unlimited because YOU bring it all in the moment.

Each Group Power Healing® session is unique and its own session because they always work with where you are in the moment, creating spontaneous massive multi-dimensional healing spanning through lifetimes, other worlds and universes you've lived in:

  • We always work with the current energy shifts for understanding what's going on, how it's affecting you, how to move through them and navigate your spiritual quickening/awakening journey through self-empowerment.

23-09-01 GPH - September Energies: YOU are Needed Now, Clear Old Fears of Being You

Audio Only

Duration: 01:41:45