Go Though Your Current Awakenings Easier


23-03-03 GPH - Go Though Your Current Awakenings Easier

Audio Only

Duration: 01:38:07

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23-03-03 GPH - Go Though Your Current Awakenings Easier

Audio Only

Duration: 01:38:07

23-03-03 GPH - Go Though Your Current Awakenings Easier

Audio Only

Duration: 01:38:07

Session Topic:

Go Though Your Current Awakenings Easier, Faster-Easier Clearing for the Old Crumbling Identities, Letting Go, Moving Forward, Embodying Deeper Levels of True Self Easier

Session Overview & Healing Focus:

This quicker awakening happening right now can create you to feel all over the place. We're going through a deeper awakening than ever before, creating our inner energy and experiences to be heightened. The deeper true you is breaking through the human, creating the 'old identity you' to crumble, fall away and crack off. You can feel everything from: "OH, I'm totally free now! Whew…Wow, this feels so good, so much peace and space. Ahhh.. I can feel my energy freeing up/returning and feel excited and inspired to create again and be what's new now. Yay!" To suddenly the opposite: "Oh shit! I was just feeling so good and can't wait to create! What just happened to all that freedom, clear energy and excitement I just felt?? Now I'm back in fear, unclear energy and deep in my emotional stuff more than ever!" Then this cycle of freedom to identification back in your stuff repeats. Or, you don’t feel any space, peace, excitement or desire to create. You feel utterly flattened, intense fear, heaviness, more anxiety or depression and feel like you'll never get out of this. Or go through waves of all the above.

A more detailed description of why you're feeling like this: As your true self is coming through more and more at a rapid rate, this high inner light and accelerated energy is pushing up the old feelings, choices, ways of being and emotional stuff that has been your identity, or who you think you are. These identities of 'you' are crumbling and falling away at a rapid rate, making space for your deeper true self to embody in the human. These identities and beliefs have been like a foundation you've stood on and operated from for countless lifetimes and is now crumbling underneath your feet. You can feel very untethered right now. The mind cannot understand this process or even follow this process at these levels and it's trying everything it can to hold on to something. 

As the old crumbles, it creates more space and freedom within you. Then this inner freedom can instantly bring up the next levels of identity to crumble. During this process, your focus either naturally goes to the freedom being created or more on the stuff it's bringing up, or all of it simultaneously. Sometimes the old identities just crumble and clear away or sometimes there are parts of them that come up for deeper self-awareness, healing, evolution and conscious change.

Deeper awakening has come for you and 'you' are not making this happen nor can 'you' control it. Deeper true you is comin’ out and it doesn’t need your mind or 'old you' or 'identities' to do it! Just like a baby bird ready to be born, the egg itself doesn’t need to know or understand how to crack open to let the bird out. It gets cracked open as the baby bird is birthing through it. As this deeper true you is surfacing now, more identity ‘you’ is cracking open, crumbling and falling away.

This awakening is also affecting everyone completely uniquely too: Each person going through this can be feeling completely differently than someone else. Depending on one's inner process of awakening, healing, self-awareness, freedom, Soul history ways of being completing, childhood healing... Because it's so unique to each person, there's too many factors to list. Trusting the inner process happening within you and inner guidance is key.

Healing Focus:

Spirit wants to make your awakening and crumbling process easier, faster and more effortless. We’ll use the accelerated healing power of our Group Power energy to help your system more quickly and easily let go of the old identities/old you. We’ll heal and clear your old pain associated with these identities faster as we partner with your true self to take up more space in your human more easily.

Spirit meets your personal path of healing, awakening, self-awareness, evolution, change and growth:

  • Your true self, your inner wisdom knows EXACTLY where you are on your path and will bring your specific old layers for faster healing, clearing and release.

  • YOUR knowing will brings YOUR new inner layers of yourself that's been activating-awakening and surfacing in 2023 to more easily and quickly align.

  • As your true self takes up more space in your human, we'll bring it through many levels of your consciousness at once to help you receive the new easier and effortlessly align with the deeper true self.

  • Instantly clear countless layers of roots of outdated ways of being and past energy structures related to who you are becoming now. 

  • Deeply empower yourself from the inside out and move into your next levels of being your true self and your heart's rightful path.

  • Receive current info and guidance to be your truth, live from your truth and your heart's rightful path.

  • Align and embody with your evolution, growth and awakening.

  • Reinforce and activate who you truly are, your truth, your knowing, inner trust and self empowerment. 

  • Help your physical, emotional, mental, energy bodies align with higher consciousness parts of yourself and who you are now.

  • Leap forward in your personal growth, healing, evolution and awakening that would of normally taken weeks, month, years, life-times.

  • And so much more…because... Our powerful collaboration always works spontaneously, addressing your innermost priorities in the moment always expanding past the session topic. It's never the same thing twice!

23-03-03 GPH - Go Though Your Current Awakenings Easier

Audio Only

Duration: 01:38:07