2023-06-23 GPH - Solstice Amplifies Your Choices: Anchor into YOUR Choices of Energy/Consciousness - Session 1
2023-06-23 GPH - Solstice Amplifies Your Choices: Anchor into YOUR Choices of Energy/Consciousness - Session 1
Audio Only
Duration: 01:11:59
2023-06-23 GPH - Solstice Amplifies Your Choices: Anchor into YOUR Choices of Energy/Consciousness - Session 1
Audio Only
Duration: 01:11:59
2023-06-23 GPH - Solstice Amplifies Your Choices: Anchor into YOUR Choices of Energy/Consciousness - Session 1
Audio Only
Duration: 01:11:59
Session Topic:
Solstice Amplifies Your Choices: Anchor into YOUR Choices of Energy/Consciousness
Session Overview & Healing Focus:
Your choices hold more weight than ever now. Whatever energy and consciousness you focus on within yourself now amplifies your inward experiences and vibrations faster-stronger than ever! What you choose to keep your focus on within really matters and will ultimately create your outer life and situations. What is your truest heart calling you to focus on within yourself, to be within yourself now? What are the next levels of consciousness you feel called to become/be in now? Where do you feel called from your deepest truth to keep your focus? Asking yourself these types of questions really matters. You are charting your own course, no one else.
This week's Solstice, either summer or winter depending on where you are in the world, marks a deeper significant and amplified energy of our power of choice which is creating an even stronger 'before and after' inner and outer vibrational energy for all of us. Where YOU keep your focus within creates how you feel faster. The energy/consciousness you live from within, creates your life from is here. It's YOUR choices to be in YOUR new-next energy. The energy/consciousness YOU choose to live in creates your inner vibration and what you focus on is creating stronger than ever. This is not a simple one and done choice. In your everyday life, this is a continuous choice of seeing/feeling the old behaviors, or mind or ego or identity and then brining your focus back again of where you want to keep your focus and choosing again how/where within yourself YOU want to live. You are breaking lifetimes of momentum. You are creating new momentum with your present day choices.
This session works with those who attend to energetically support your deepest choices, release the old you don’t want to be in anymore and anchor you into the new-next YOU’RE choosing. Sessions are alive-in-the-moment and continuously follows your lead of healing-clearing what you no longer want to live in and leaping forward and anchoring into what you DO want to live in:
We'll jump right in for power packed session chock full of accelerated healings, clearings, activations, awakenings, support and leaping you forward in your choices of your next levels of higher consciousness, personal growth and self-empowerment and so much more...
🌟Your inner being/true self/heart's wisdom knows EXACTLY where you are on your path right now of your choices of how you want to be and where you're choosing to be/live within your next levels of self.
🌟We accelerate your healing and clearing of what you no longer want to live in faster.
🌟You’ll leap forward and anchor deeply into the consciousness and energy you choose to be in.
🌟As you're anchoring, the next layers of the old reveal for more healing-clearing. You’ll anchor even deeper into your choices of where you want to be within yourself again.
🌟Each session is unique because they always work with where you are in the moment, creating spontaneous massive multi-dimensional healing spanning through lifetimes, other worlds and universes you've lived in.
🌟We always work with the current energy shifts for understanding what's going on, how it's affecting you, how to move through them and navigate your spiritual quickening/awakening journey through self-empowerment.
🌟Receive deep support, guidance, reinforcing, activating and cultivating who you truly are, your truth, your knowing, inner trust and self empowerment.
2023-06-23 GPH - Solstice Amplifies Your Choices: Anchor into YOUR Choices of Energy/Consciousness
Audio Only
Duration: 01:11:59