Beyond the Ordinary Show

Retreat Package A Page

Day 1/Session 1

24-03-02/12:00p-2:00p ET

This page expires September 1, 2024

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LIVE session ended

Replay info:

  • FREE replay/download audios posted on top of this page after session. Refresh page after session to see replay.

  • Please download ASAP to save.

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How to get the most out of the replay:

  • The recording is imbued with the healing energies that came through.

  • Partner with the recording and listen as if it were a brand new live session.

  • The recording will meet you where you are on your path every time you listen.

  • The recording can deepen healing, embodiment and the forward movements that occurred during the original session and can also do all kinds of additional healing for you.

  • Be, allow and let it do its magic for you.

  • Sessions work with multi-dimensional parts of you simultaneously. For the safety of you and others, do not drive or do anything that needs your focus while listening.


Retreat Topic:

Ease into Being Your 2024 Multi-Self: Accelerated Healings, Awakenings and Clearings to EFFORTLESSLY Receive Your 2024 Multi-Self, Higher Levels of Consciousness and New Self-Knowledge

LIVE Retreat Overview:

We are actually LIVING our higher consciousness now. We’ve walked through a significant time-consciousness shift in 2024. We are living in, being in and accessing our highest levels of energy, frequencies and consciousness than ever before. We are humanly living more as our whole self, our multi-consciousness self, awakening more rapidly, healing more deeply/quickly and being who we truly are in wholeness more than ever. We are humanly accessing our next levels of: Light, Soul, True Self, self-knowledge, ancient-sacred parts of ourselves and living in multi-dimensional time simultaneously. Living in expansion and wholeness like this feels new to our human self yet so familiar to who we really are. You can feel your higher levels of consciousness blossoming and unfolding within you every moment as the new 2024 ways of living continue revealing to you. You feel SO ready to be different, live different, be YOU and embark on your next completely different higher level journey of yourself and life. 

Because your accessing your next highest levels of consciousness, energies, frequencies and the multi-you, you MUST KNOW YOURSELF differently now so you can navigate your higher level journey. You must know your multi-self so you can know how to live from this expansion, how to have an updated relationship with your mind and emotions at these levels, continue your healing/completing the old within, know your heart’s truth and follow your new levels of your journey...all at once! Living simultaneously with it all is new 2024 energy.

This Retreat meets all your foundational changes full on by EFFORTLESSLY accelerating your personal healing, growth, evolution and awakening so you can EASE into BEING your 2024 Multi-Self. This Retreat helps you SIMPLY BE your 2024 multi-self so you can live more freely from who you are now, access your next levels of inner truth and navigate your new life from self-knowledge and inner direction.

  • You'll quickly leap through thresholds of healing and your higher consciousness that would have normally taken weeks, months, lifetimes.

  • You'll free up your original, outdated denser consciousness that holds outdated spiritual patterns, ways of being, choices and operating so you can be Multi-You easier.

  • You'll EFFORTLESSLY create the space within to effortlessly receive and BE your Multi-Self.

  • This Retreat works with the specific healing and awakening paths of those attending to powerfully support you being your highest truest embodiment and path. Your True-Self knows the details of your path and brings exactly what’s needed for accelerated healing, clearing and awakening into your next levels and knowing yourself. Our sacred Group Power collaboration always works spontaneously, addressing and healing your innermost priorities related to your current changes in each moment.

You will be held in a Group Power Accelerated Healing-Awakening Field during your LIVE Session:

  • This high spiritual power field works in the background to support your choices for healing for these Reteat, heals root causes of issues, ripens and awakens your next levels of consciousness and deeper embodying your True Self. This healing field begins before the LIVE sessions officially start.

Retreat Mission:

  • Accelerate your healing, clearing, awakening and the endings of your past no-longer-serving energies, choices, patterns, ways of being, energetics, consciousness and energy so you can align with your changes, new ways of operating and BE your Multi-Self easier.

  • Effortlessly meet, receive and know the new 2024 energies for yourself, your next levels of consciousness and your path.

  • Leap forward in your healing, growth, evolution, awakening, embodiment.

  • Know yourself now, feel your truth now, be in your clear present-day choices and live from who you are now.

  • Activate and embody your living-wholeness and live as your new 2024 multi-you easier.

       All you have to do is just simply be and this Retreat does the rest!

Who is this Retreat for?

  • All who sincerely want to know themselves and leap forward in their healing, growth, evolution, awakening and embodiment that would have normally taken weeks, months, years, lifetimes. 

  • All who want to clear the roots of non-serving patterns, behaviors and energy from: past-life, childhood, generational, present day, physical, emotional, spiritual, energetic, mental bodies so they can follow their heart's truth and embrace their true self easier.

  • All who wholeheartedly want to face themselves and learn from themselves so they can foundationally heal and change, let go of the old and move forward freely.

  • All who understand the healing-awakening path is not about a quick fix but rather a continuum of deeper healing, self empowerment, discovering and living heart's truth, knowing and embodying the truth of who we are for the long haul.

  • All who are looking to fortify and strengthen their own inner foundation, knowing, self-empowerment, follow their heart's truth and continue building inward support as the truth within keeps revealing, unfolding, blossoming and teaching overtime. 

  • All who want to strengthen inner resolve and endurance to be who they really are -no matter what.  

  • And most importantly: If you feel a “yes” and just know this Retreat is right for you.

What can you expect from this Retreat session?

  • Profound energetic self-empowering support for your inner foundation of truth, path of healing, awakening and embodying who you are on your innermost deepest and highest levels. 

  • Accelerated quick-focused healing, clearing and reconciling countless layers of all that which no longer serves, matches or fits you.

  • Clearing out countless layers of: ego-identity, old emotional identities, energies that are not you or yours, past energy, stressors, stories, beliefs, energy patterns, traumas, fears, pain, false self beliefs/images, old momentums and energetics, built-up emotional energy and so much more.

  • Activating, awakening, strengthening, nurturing, cultivating, fortifying and embodying your inner self, heart's truth and your next levels of spiritual consciousness and energy.

  • Receive specific information, empowering guidance and teachings for how to navigate your spiritual quickening and living your highest path of deepest inner truth at this time.

  • We partner with the current energy shifts, activations and what's up and coming to give you a head start and move you through your changes as easy as possible. 

  • Sessions always address your innermost priorities in the moment. We work on deeply sacred levels which always creates long-standing issues and life-themes to feel safe, come out and bring unexpected related topics for quicker life-changing internal shifts. 

  • All you need to do is just simply be and the Retreat does the rest!

Retreat Day 1/Session 1 Overview:

  • Accelerated healing for EVERYTHING related to your BEING your Multi-Self now. 

  • Accelerated healing for all you have been healing, letting go and choosing to complete: stemming all the way back to your first incarnations and significant lifetimes through the multi-verse.

  • Leap forward in your healing, growth, evolution, awakening and embodiment and into your new 2024 higher levels within.

  • Create the space within for your Multi-Self to embody easier, receive highest levels of consciousness, healing and True Self to embody.

  • Deep integrations of your healing-awakening experiences. 

Each Group Power Healing® Retreat session is one-of-a-kind because they always work with where you are on your healing-awakening path to embody who you are easier:

  • We always work with the current spiritual shifts to help you heal faster, awaken easier and move through your changes as easily as possible.

  • Release/move beyond layers and layers of: ego, old identities, old pain, confusions, energy attachments, stories, beliefs, the roots of original energy patterns, disempowerments, trapped emotions, traumas, that weird funky stuff that's hard to name, past-life energies and root causes of old ways of being, this life emotional energies and ways of being, old choices that no longer serve... the list of it all is unlimited because YOU bring it all in the moment.

Zoom Webinar Experience:

  • The call is Zoom audio only (no video). This best holds the space for you to be within yourself and present with your healing experiences.

  • This is a webinar (not a meeting) so you won’t see anyone else’s screen and no one will see yours.

  • The call is muted except for Ambujam’s voice.

  • You relax and receive the healing as Ambujam narrates the specific details of the healing.

The Group Power Healing® Experience

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