Self Empowering Package Page

Welcome! This page includes:

(Scroll down to see all info)

  1. All Mp3’s in your package

  2. Listening Instructions to get the most out of your package

  3. MP3 Descriptions


  • Please download all MP3’s ASAP

MP3 Overview

Listening Instructions & Descriptions

How to listen to get the most out of your package:

  • Be exactly as you are.

  • You do not need to stop feeling how you’re feeling, change how you’re feeling, fix your emotional state or stop the mind.

  • Feel free to choose or feel your intentions for healing, change, deeper embodiment and focus.

  • MP3’s work with multi-dimensional parts of you simultaneously. For the safety of you and others, do not drive or do anything that needs your focus while listening.

  • The MP3’s are imbued with the healing energies that came through.

  • Listen at a time when you can consciously partner with the MP3’s and treat them like you’re attending live sessions.

  • Each MP3 will meet you where you are on your path every time you listen.

  • Every time you listen, your meditations and connections with yourself will deepen and work with different levels within. The healing energies will create deeper and new healings and bring brand new healings and experiences.

  • Feel free to pause the MP3’s anytime you want to be with your experiences longer or before moving on to other parts.

  • Be, allow and let them do their empowering healing magic for you. It’s always best to listen when you can consciously be with the MP3’s. However, if you’re someone who benefits from listening to healings as you sleep, feel free to do so.

MP3 Descriptions

How to Find, Know and Embody Your Path:

  • Understand what the path truly is

  • Embody your true path within

  • Energy healing imbued in each replay

Self-Inquiry & Discernment Series/Know your truth for EVERY situation:

  • Learn the difference between your mind, emotions and heart.

  • Discern the difference between mental thoughts, emotional reactions and heart-truth, choices and actions.

  • Every recording includes a guided meditation and healing to support your self-embodiment and discernment.

The Group Power Healing® Experience

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PO Box 1062

Jackson, WY 83001

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